Email & Mobile Marketing

E-mail & Mobile Marketing: advocacy at its best

It is one of the most recent contemporary forms of direct marketing that many ignore. E-mail and mobile marketing are the standards of online presence and communication with your audience, at a very low cost.


Why is e-mail & mobile marketing important?

It is not only advertising offers or new products and services. It is one of the best ways to communicate with your audience, showing them that they are valuable to you. In the framework of a general digital strategy, it is a very strong player that will help maintain your customers and raise even more your company’s awareness. Choosing the right content, we communicate your news or anything else you wish to your audience, giving them the necessary value.


BOLDOT and e-mail-mobile marketing

In BOLDOT we suggest, plan and execute email & mobile marketing campaigns, based on the strategic goals and your company needs, integrating this tool to the Connecting Marketing we offer.

Let’s design your campaign, too!